An Unlikely Source of Energy

Fears. We all have them. Fears of…

Starting the conversation
Tackling the project
Making the call
Admitting the problem

So what do you do? Meet your fear with love.

Seriously. Think about your fear. Then smother it with love. Taking action then becomes much easier. Some examples…

If you fear starting the conversation with your loved one about their progressing condition, start with love. Think to yourself about your love for them; lean into it until fear gets crowded out; then begin the conversation by expressing your love first before moving to what is happening.

If you fear tackling a work project, find the love. Does this project help someone else? Do you ultimately love the people who will benefit? You may have to search and dig on this one, but find the love and start there.

If you fear making a phone call (business, family, or whoever), think about the other person and pray for them or send them what you want for yourself…peace, success, joy, etc. Start with love.

If you fear admitting a problem or mess up, send yourself some love. Do you really expect to be perfect? Okay, so you messed up. So you have a problem. Start with love and move from there.

Sure, this doesn’t magically fix everything. Yes, the process through the situation may still be painful, time consuming, and difficult. But meeting fear with love can be a game changer in overcoming the fear. It can also be an unlikely source of energy. Fear creates bad energy. Love creates good energy.

Meet fear with love.

Worth Repeating

Fear is to love as darkness is to light.

–Marianne Williamson

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