Embrace opportunities for tranquility
Easing around Lake Placid on a calm, 24 degree morning, I sloughed off the hectic pace that I had maintained for too many months. The crisp air renewed my mind and I became increasingly aware of the signs of wildlife stirring along the trail. Moving slowly, transitioning to a state of reflection and rest…this is what I needed.
To be fair, I should note that the lake had been drained. I counted at least 5 sunken paddle boats buried in mud. These paddle boats had surely served many hours of entertainment for the nautically inexperienced, and eventually gave out or were fatally maimed at the hands of juvenile summer frolickers.
Whatever the cause, it reminded me that I intend to continue serving, working, and living as long as possible. In order to do this, days of repose are necessary. Disconnecting and embracing opportunities for tranquility ultimately serve to re-energize and replenish. Mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, I need these periodic hikes.
I suspect you do too. Perhaps not a hike, but engage in whatever transports you to a place of repose. And linger there a while.
Worth Repeating
There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature.
-Henry David Thoreau