What it is and what it’s not
Kindness arises from strength,
Proceeds with confidence,
And advances with integrity.
Kindness respects all creation,
Considers the other’s plight and point of view,
And seeks first to understand, rather than to be understood.
Kindness eschews name calling,
Avoids making enemies unnecessarily,
And exposes bullying as a sure sign of weakness.
Kindness flows from the self-differentiated,
Moves about with admirable poise,
And helps others gain their own sense of assurance.
Kindness shows compassion, never pity,
Welcomes people to their own strength,
And champions the beauty of others.
Kindness arises from strength,
Proceeds with confidence,
And advances with integrity.
Worth Repeating
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
-Mark Twain