Finding Your Way Through Resistance
She just couldn’t seem to make the call. She knew she needed to. But, resistance seemed to paralyze her with fears and doubts.
Her mother has Parkinson’s disease and was in a tailspin after an unexpected trip to the Emergency Room with a non-related issue. The brochures, information pieces, and lists of questions were spread out on the table in front of her. With all of the right thoughts swirling around her head with the wrong thoughts, she got up. Literally, she got up out of the kitchen chair and walked to the bedroom door to peek in on her mother taking a nap.
As she watched, better thoughts emerged and fears subsided. “She needs me to make this call,” she thought to herself. “I need to do the right thing for her as she has done the right thing for me so many times.”
And with that, she had taken a new view and found her way through the resistance.
Resistance happens. Even resistance to what is good for you. (Think broccoli, morning cardio, and calls to ask for assistance.)
How do you find your way through the resistance?
Try this tool. Literally, move yourself physically to a new spot while intentionally taking a new view of the situation.
Worth Repeating
If a problem can’t be solved within the frame it was conceived, the solution lies in reframing the problem.
― Brian McGreevy