Going Deeper

Gratitude tends to be transactional. Thank you for…the gift, the help, the donation. Appreciation is the entirely appropriate response for the more immediate and tangible graces and kindnesses that come our way.

You are probably pretty good at the first type.

So, let’s go a bit deeper. Let’s reflect on relational gratitude. Think about the best parts of yourself…your inclination to love fiercely, serve selflessly, encourage freely, work hard, or explore insatiably. You may ponder on some of your other best attributes, inclinations, and skills.

Who modeled this for you? Whose subtle words ring in the back of your head? Who took the time? Who kept showing up for you? Who did you notice who may have never known you were even watching? Who captured your imagination? Who did you read or listen to? Who made a significant contribution to the best of your life?

You may have to think about this for a while.

It’s worth contemplating.

These thoughts will conjure up deep gratitude, far more than a single transaction of kindness. If you identify one, two, or more people, you are quite fortunate. Find a way to express your gratitude to them, even if you stand at a grave or send it into the air.

Worth Repeating

The root of joy is gratefulness.

-David Steindl-Rast

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