Creating Forward Momentum #4

What are you expecting from yourself? Too much? Not enough?

If you have unduly burdensome expectations for yourself, you will live in a constant state of guilt and failure. This is no good. However, if you expect very little from yourself, your best living with never be actualized. In the end, this stirs a problematic sense of guilt as well.

Here are 3 ideas for creating optimal expectations for yourself:

1. 10% More. Take a look at one area of your life and determine what it would mean to do 10% more. Usually, this is attainable, but it will challenge and stretch you.

2. Self-coaching. What if you were coaching you? Or, imagine yourself giving advice to someone in your precise situation. What would you suggest that they do?

3. Ask. The people around you may have an idea about your next best moves. For instance, you might say to a friend, “I would like to improve in this one area, what would you do if you were me? Or, how did you do it? Or, how do you think I should go about it?”

Expect growth. Whether you are identifying a spiritual, relational, vocational, physical, financial or other need, you can create forward momentum in the right direction!

Worth Repeating 

Sometimes the best way to get back in the game is to expect something from yourself again.

-Brendon Burchard

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