A Sacred Trio #1

Full blast, ready to go, up and at ’em! Go! Go! Go! Hurry from this call to that meeting to this catch-up work. Two months behind and getting behind-er all the time. Too many meetings and no time to do what we decided to do in the meetings! Run here, run there, never caught up, and falling exhausted into bed each night, only to wake up too soon the next morning and start all over again. Wheew!

Work worth doing is good. But, what about a time to rest?

The natural cycle of a good life includes time for rest. Sabbath, quiet, retreat, reflection, prayer, meditation, contemplation…these bring rest to the soul. And yes, your soul needs rest as well as your body.

Intentional times of rest will help bring perspective, renewal, and clearer focus. Henri Nouwen suggests that we all need healthy doses of solitude, community, and service. Too much time in service and community lead to burnout if we neglect times of solitude.

So, as we enter the last month of the year, set aside a time of rest. Take a day or a week, but intentionally enter a space for rest.

Rest, and receive healing for your soul.

Worth Repeating 

It is those who have a deep and real inner life who are best able to deal with the irritating details of the outer life.

–Evelyn Underhill

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