Ready for 2024

Reverse engineering can be a very effective mechanism for gaining clarity. On almost any project or undertaking, if you begin with the end in mind and work backwards, you can often construct a more realistic strategy. The same applies to annual goal making.

At the end of 2024, what will you wish you would have done?

To engage this exercise, you might list your values. Then ask, what would it mean for me to live into these values? Or, you may think of how to succeed in your various roles in life. Or, perhaps you think in terms of intentional growth in the  most important areas of your life.

However you approach it, remember that people who set and track goals are far more likely to attain them. I know people who find success setting one goal and tracking their progress every week and month until they succeed. And, I know a person who targets around 120 goals each year on a dry-erase board and aims to hit 70%+ each year.

No matter what your method, it is crucial that you track it. It could be on paper or on an app. Just engage in this premeditated do-over.

At the end of 2024, what will you wish you would have done?

Worth Repeating 

Attitude impacts everything. Start there.

-Jon Acuff

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