Instigators of Good #4

The pressure is on. One call after another. Too many emails to manage. The tyranny of the urgent reigns.

And then, you step outside and catch a refreshing whiff of peace.

It comes in many forms such as: crisp autumn air, freshly mowed grass, cool rain on hot pavement, warm pollinated breeze, or misty morning. Often these olfactory delights are much more than a whiff. You can breath them in deeply.

A whiff of peace may come from freshly brewed coffee, warm cookies straight out of the oven, smoked BBQ wafting through the air. Or perhaps the pleasurable scent of flowers, candles, or soap works to change your perspective.

If you have ever tried on perfume or cologne, you know that they will have you smell the coffee beans to cleanse your olfactory senses before sampling another scent. In much the same way, stepping into a lovely aroma can help you reframe mentally.

Instigate some good for yourself or someone else by catching or creating a whiff of peace.

Worth Repeating 

Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.

-Helen Keller

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