Instigators of Good #5

When is the last time you said something that elicited the response, “That’s nice to hear. Thank you.”

What happens when you say these types of things to people and really mean it?

I love you.
You were right.
I believe in you.
You can do this.
Thank you.
I apologize.
You have done well.
Think of what it feels like to hear these words from someone offering them from a heartfelt posture. Take them one at a time. Picture someone who may have said these things to you. Add to your list numerous other sentences that really mean something.

Now, which one of these could you say to someone? Can you deliver it with sincerity?

And now for something even more shocking. Take a moment and say these things to yourself. Attach each phrase to specifics. Receive them from yourself.

Powerful, huh?

Go and be an instigator of good by giving someone something nice to hear.

Worth Repeating 

Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.

-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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