Crucial Concepts #1

While often written for organizations and businesses, some concepts apply remarkably well to the individual also. At least two quotes are apt for today.

“Where focus goes, energy flows.” This quote is attributed to Tony Robbins, but I most often hear it from Judi, my executive coach, who led the Oklahoma/Arkansas Alzheimer’s Association for 25 years.

Think about it. Literally. When you focus your thoughts on a project, a new car, fitness, problems, fears, positive affirmation…whatever you focus on is followed closely by your energy. Good or bad. What are you focusing your thoughts on most?

“What gets measured gets managed.” This quote is attributed to Peter Drucker.

When you measure something, you increase the likelihood that you will take action. If you weigh yourself daily, you sense more accomplishment as you change your eating habits and watch your weight inch down. If you frequently keep a close eye on your investments or your cash flow, you have a better handle on them. Scores of apps can help you garner small wins by counting steps, glasses of water, brain exercise streaks, and much more.

Where does your focus need to go next?

Worth Repeating 

Where focus goes, energy flows.

-Tony Robbins

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