What one thing would make the most difference in your life in 2025?
While you have hopefully reflected on all aspects of creating a healthy life in 2025, there is probably one effort that rises above the others. One goal, one mission, one result.
On December 31, 2025, what one thing will you be most proud of yourself for completing? This could be a rhythmic goal that requires you to implement with rigor each month of the year. Or, it could be about hitting a mark that you either did or didn’t do. If you put all of your focus and effort into it, could you even reach it early in the year?
You can sometimes be so distracted by all of the many good aims and projects that you neglect to exert yourself toward the one most important goal for this time and place. What is that for you?
One goal. Focus. You can do it!
Worth Repeating
Goals transform a random walk into a chase.
-Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi