Don’t Delay
When good things happen, celebrate! Don’t delay. Life is tough enough and we too easily forget and then, it’s gone. Allow yourself some joy.
10 Things to celebrate:
- Good grades, degrees, promotions, new opportunities.
- Wedding anniversaries…especially the big ones.
- Long slogs through difficult tasks that no one said “thank you” for.
- Caregiving for any situation for any length of time.
- Other people’s birthdays.
- Your birthday.
- Financial goals. (Just don’t create a new mess while celebrating!)
- Health milestones. If you finally did a 5k, celebrate!
- For no reason at all…just because you’re grateful to be alive. The pure bliss of celebrating for no good reason should not be underestimated.
- A friend’s seemingly unnoticed and under appreciated service and work.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money. A $3 ice cream cone works quite well, but so does a big shindig. You might even have a silent celebration, sitting and reflecting on something that you’re proud of yourself for doing.
You should feel good when you do good things. Celebrate! Don’t delay.