Better Thoughts #3

On my phone, in the Evernote app, I keep lists of my better thoughts. Part of my morning routine is to reference one of these lists. Why? It elevates my mood, puts my brain on a better trajectory, and dismisses lesser thoughts. This post on my Better Thoughts Playlist from a few years ago might help.

What might go on your playlist? Here are 7 places to start:

  1. Prayers. Quick prayers, long prayers, classic prayers. The ones that matter to you are the ones that matter. Create a quick reference to the prayers that reorient your world.
  2. Reasons why…to save money, go to work, exercise, or do what you do. These may come in the form of goals, or perhaps simply in the form of reminders about where you’ve come from or where you’re headed next.
  3. Joys I want to know. This could take the form of a bucket list, or even a bucket list of everyday pleasures. This could be related to everything from sitting on the balcony at a specific beach to playing ball with your children or grandchildren. What joys do you want to experience?
  4. Gifts I see myself giving. Tap into and nurture your sense of generosity. You might envision yourself giving a certain amount of money, an experience, a treasure, a tip, an anonymous gift, or the one thing that would mean the most to someone you love.
  5. Overcoming. What plagues you? What are the practices and ideas that help you do better? Make a quick reference list of them.
  6. Never take for granted. Is there something that you lived without for too long? What did you long for that has now become a reality? Make a list of 3-10 things that you know you should never take for granted. Reviewing this list inherently sparks good vibes of appreciation.
  7. Long range goal checkpoints. You have some items that you may work on for months or years. Most likely, there are significant milestones and checkpoints along the way. Begin with end in mind, and think backwards to spell out what those incremental accomplishments may be.

Be creative. I have close to 100 of these and the ones you see above are literally some of the ones on my list of lists. Maybe you don’t need this, or perhaps you think it’s a bit ridiculous. But, if you struggle with spending too much of your day angry, sad, bored, anxious, off-course or simply repeating thoughts you’d rather not be stuck on, then try this exercise.

Create your better thoughts playlist and see what happens.

Worth Repeating 

More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.

-Roy T. Bennett

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