Examinations #2

In what area of your life do you need less? In what ways do you need more?

For instance, when I take time to hike a state park trail, I often think that I need to do this more. Engulfed in the smells of moist earth, oxygen-rich trees and morning mist, time slows down and the peace of the moment seems far superior to many other moments. I would like to stay in those experiences or to at least put myself in this position more often.

On the other hand, some days move at such a rapid pace with so many concerns and urgent tasks that the overwhelm leaves me wanting less. On multiple occasions, I have created a “stop doing” list. This leads me to either eliminate tasks or find someone else to take them over. While there is significant excitement in growing and doing more, there is also great contentment in simplifying.

You can identify with this. You have areas in your life at any given time for which you need less or more. Articulate those and start moving toward a solution.

Worth Repeating 

Less is more.

-Ludwig Mies vad der Rohe

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