A Sacred Trio #3

Rest. Community. And Service. These form the sacred trio of a well-balanced life in harmonious rhythm. Resting, reflecting and renewing leads to moving into community to enjoy, encourage and share. But the cycle is incomplete without a move toward service.

Whether you have ever considered it or not, one of your primary values may be service. When you see one of your fellow humans struggling, you are probably not just moved with compassion, but to take action. This is why meals get delivered, and children get tutored. It is the motivation for responding in times of disaster and giving money to those in need.

Service takes us beyond our own concerns to consider the plight of another. As you get your hands dirty to help, harsh condemnation usually subsides. However, when someone needs help, you may find that there exists not merely one problem, but twenty-seven problems. These can be perplexing, even maddening. And sometimes you get burnt and burnt out in service.

But don’t stay that way. Don’t let disillusionment win. Be wise and determine to continue to serve in the ways that you can. Open your eyes to your neighbors and put yourself in their shoes. Decide what it means at this point in your life to serve. The opportunities are plentiful.

Worth Repeating 

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

-Mahatma Ghandi

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