Instigators of Good #3

What is in your sights?

Sometimes the burden of worry and hurry is so pronounced that it’s all you can see. You roll through your day in survival mode, with the proverbial blinders on, unable to see anyone or anything around you.

Sometimes this is okay because you just have too much on your plate. It happens to all of us.

But when it becomes your new normal, for weeks, months, or years, you’ve slipped into a rut that must be broken out of.

And sometimes, when you’re plodding along, you see someone that jolts you out of this rut. A person who is obviously struggling worse than you. Or, you may be hit by a great idea, a new direction to take.

Try these 3 ideas to put opportunity back in your sights:

Pray for the opportunity to encourage. If you pray to see the opportunity to encourage someone, you will receive. Trust me, there are more than enough struggling and frustrated people out there in 2024. Try it before you go into a store, or even as you peer out your window at home. You will see opportunity.

Put yourself in a position to observe success. In whatever form it may come, someone is out there (on the internet, on the other end of a phone call, in a book, on a zoom call, in a meeting, on a billboard, etc.) experiencing at least part of what you desire. Catching a glimpse of it could jolt your vision and nudge your habits back in the right direction.

Ask yourself, “What is the next right thing for me to do?” About anything (family, work, caregiving, etc.), you can ask this question. This simple, yet profound query puts you in a position for an answer.

I trust that you will soon have opportunity in sight.

Worth Repeating 

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.

-Francis Bacon

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